Tuesday 22 October 2019



1.1  Definition

Drug is any substance which taken into the body, alters the body function either physically and psychologically. Drug may be a legal such as alcohol, caffeine and tobacco or illegal such as cannabis, ecstasy heroin. While alcohol can be described as a psychoactive drug, which means a drug that effects the mind or mental processes.[1]

1.2  Ingredients of drug and alcohol

The ingredients of drugs and alcohol is a ionic liquids can be used to increase the solubility of sparingly soluble drugs and to enhance their topical and transdermal delivery[2]. ILs can be used either synthesize active pharmaceutical ingredients or as antimicrobial ingredients. Alcohol have four type of alcohol which is, methyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, propyl alcohol and butyl alcohol. It is also widely used as a solvent and presentative in pharmaceutical preparations.

1.3  Factors of drug and alcohol

There are a few factors that cause individuals involved them self with drug and alcohol. Firstly, genetic predisposition. Drugs and alcohol can cause directly to genetic predisposition based on experiences from past family history. They are more likely to be involved because of a mother or father of family members. Secondly, certain brain characteristics that can make someone more vulnerable to addictive substances than the average person, tendencies come from themselves. It can include psychological factors such as stress, depression, feeling anxiety or other psychiatric disorders. Thirdly, drugs and alcohol can cause environmental influences such as emotional abuse or trauma or exposure to popular culture references that encourage substance use. Based on Harrison Wein, director of NIH’s National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, “A common misperception is that addiction is a choice or moral problem and all you have to it to stop. But nothing could be further from the truth.[3]

1.4  Effects drugs and alcohol

Drugs and alcohol have a big effect on individual bodies if they consume more than the doses. It can effects our health complications that related to heart attacks as well. Moreover, it can effect infections, when drugs and alcohol on personal individuals sharing needles, it can give disease such as hepatitis C, HIV, AIDS[4]. The most important things, drugs and alcohol can cause individuals in injuries and death, involve in car accidents and also suicide and homicide.

1.5  How to prevent

Prevention refers to step that might be taken to avoid alcohol and other drugs problems. It focus of prevention might be on drugs, individuals or community environments and so on. It can be prevent by early treatment such as participate in whatever programme that can prevent individual to involve in drugs and alcohol[5]


For the conclusion, an individual should avoid from takes drugs and alcohol because it’s is really give big impacts to individual and surrounding people.


·         DorotaDobler. "Ionic liquids as ingredients in topical drug delivery systems." International Journal of Pharmaceutics 30 January 2013: 620-627.

·         Lovinger, D.M. AskaboutAlcohol.IE. 2005. 11 October 2019 <https://www.askaboutalcohol.ie/health/what-is-alcohol/>.

·         Razali, Hasbah and Zainal Madon. "Issues and Challenges of drug addiction among students in Malaysia." Advance In Social Science Research Journal (2016): 1-13.

·         Wein, Harrison. "Drugs and Alcohol Can Hijack Your Brain." Biology of Addiction. Spain: NIH News In Health, October 2015.

·         Wilson, Richard and Cheryl A.Kolander. Drug Abuse Prevention. United Kingdom: Jones and Barlett Publisher, 2011.

[1][1] D.M Lovinger 2005 state that drug that effects mind of mental processes
[2] Dorota Dobler 2013 state that ingredients increase solubility
[3] Harrison Wein 2015 state that factor can cause individual
[4] Hasbah Razali 2016 state that effect of drug and alcohol cause health problem
[5] Richard Wilson 2011 state prevent drugs and alcohol cause positive effect

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